Bronwyn’s Bio

2016-10-19 09.48.00

Our Approach

Bronwyn's Bio

A science teacher with a love of books, Bronwyn spends her free time writing and crafting. She loves to knit, crochet, and do needlework.  She also appreciates the company of her many pets.  Four cats, a dog, two ferrets, two snakes and a spider make up her personal menagerie. With her animals and her family, she is never at a loss for companionship.  She is a mother and step-mother as well as wife and daughter.

Bronwyn started her first book in 2003, when her daughter was very young. As life became more hectic, she put her hobby aside to focus on her family's needs.  In 2010, Bronwyn "dusted off" the old story, finally completing it in 2014.  Although, it had been done for two years, she suffered the malady of many authors, fear of scrutiny.  With the support of her loving family, she finally decided to self-publish and has received applause and support for her endeavors.

Our Story